Saturday, August 4, 2018

My Feelings- 我的感觉

This morning was the first time that I really realized I had moved to Taiwan. I woke up with a bit of homesickness. The majority of the time in Taiwan has been incredible, and I have already grown so much as a person. I love the 7 Changhua girls, we are all very supportive and kind. Each day is a new day, with new experiences and new feelings. Each day I am becoming stronger. 
这个早上是我第一次真的发生我搬到了台湾。 我起床的时候有一点儿想家的感觉。 在台湾大部分的时间棒棒哒, 我已经长了很多。 我爱7个彰化女生, 我们都很支持和开朗。 每一天是一个新天, 有新的经历和新的感觉。 每一天我越来越强。 


  1. You are a professional blogger,and everything is fresh and interesting! Wish you a nice and new life in Taiwan =D
    妳簡直就是專業的部落客,一切的事物都新鮮又有趣呀! 祝福你在台灣有個美好又全新的生活^^
    Your Chinese is on point! I can feel your happiness in your word.

    1. Thank you so much. This is my first blog. I am having so much fun in Taiwan! I hope to meet up with you soon!
      谢谢你!这是我的一个落客。 我在台湾玩儿的开心!我希望我们可以很快见面!:)

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
